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Within the space of a few months, the three pillars that supported my identity were shaken. I was forced to re-evaluate my relationship, my family situation and my career.  I realised very quickly that I needed to reassess what I was doing and where I was going. I needed to change my life.


Churchill said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste" and so, being an optimist, I saw the opportunity in my situation. I decided to rebuild my life by retraining as a coach at The Coaching Academy.


It is not the problems you face that define you it is your response. What coaching taught me was how to prioritise what matters and then make the necessary changes to rebuild my life around that. These same principles and processes can be used when building a business or deciding on your next corporate career move.


I've now got a fantastic relationship with my children, and have built a life around caring for them full time. I'm now three stone lighter and practise yoga five times a week. I have a far healthier and happier lifestyle.


With coaching I have been able to focus on what’s important, and then accelerate the process of change in order to attain that. I can now teach you the lessons that I've learned – I know that it will be as transformational for you as it has been for me. See our services to see how.